Spotlight - Craig Black

by Spot LA

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Aspen Santa Fe Ballet dancer and California native, Craig Black, was Captain of San Jose's nationally ranked high school dance team The Lincoln Convertibles. Craig received his BFA from The Juilliard School, where he was awarded the 2010 Princess Grace Award in Dance. He also won the 2011 Lorna Strassler Award for Student Excellence at Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival. Craig’s summer programs were at Springboard Danse Montreal, Nederlands Dans Theater, and the Pillow. When he's not performing, Craig is also a master teacher and choreographer for many studios and dance teams around the U.S.  Here are some of his favs.

Favorite Discoveries - Bikram Yoga                                                                    

Shopping - Craig enjoys clothes shopping from thrift stores to Burberry.  He loves to buy paintings and photographs.

Necessary Extravagance - Deep Tissue Massage                                                

Favorite Place in the World - Holland.  He has spent two summers there and loved every second.  He enjoys Disneyland too. It's been six years since his last visit, and wants to fix that.

Favorite Charity or Non-Profit - Humane Society                                                    

Favorite Movie - Moulin Rouge, Bridesmaids, and Peter Pan (2003 version)                

Hotel Jerome​

Hotel Jerome

Favorite Hotel - Hotel Jerome in Aspen                                                                        

Idol - His Family... They all support and love each other in every endeavor

Where Do You Live - Aspen, Colorado

Favorite Sheets - Jersey Knit.  Craig owns almost every color. 

Favorite Drink - Thai Iced Tea, Margarita, and Mojito

Favorite Gadget - Nintendo 64.  Yes, he still own's one and plays all the time.

Favorite Neighborhood Restaurant - Kenichi (Sushi) and Su Casa (Mexican) 

Favorite Dessert - Anything baked - Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Brownies, etc.... Especially with a dollop of ice cream.

Favorite Snack - Melon. Especially Cantaloupe and Honeydew Melon

Favorite Soap - Lemongrass and Aloe

Haircut - Whatever mood he might be in for that time, He doesn't have a norm.

Coffee or Tea -  Both, but usually coffee.

Favorite Comfort Food - Grilled Cheese and/or Pancakes

Always In Your Fridge - Orange Juice  

Glow in the dark shoes Nike Air Foamposite One Paranorman Black Neon Green_04.jpg

Never Leave Home Without - iPhone and Chapstick

Favorite Underwear - Ginch Gonch (Monster Trucks print)

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Favorite Kicks - Green Glow in the Dark Nikes

Favorite Accessory - A flat billed hat that says "PLAY DIRTY"

Dance Item Always In Your Bag - The Stick (A roller stick.)

Favorite Store - Burberry

Tie or Bowtie - Bowtie all the way, but he'll rock a regular tie every now and then.

Favorite Piece of Jewelry - A necklace - turtle locket with a clock inside it's shell
